
To get to know themselves better and support aspects such as:

  • Strengthening the treatment of children with disabilities and conditions: autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, delayed development, etc.
  • Learning: ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, learned helplessness, etc.
  • Personal growth: decision-making, self-confidence, frustration tolerance, emotional education, etc.
  • Socialization: shyness, impulsiveness, strengthening self-esteem, communication, empathy, etc.


  • Personal growth: development of their own identity, decision-making, emotional education, healthy relationships, etc.
  • Communication and socialization: assertive communication, social responsibility, relations with authority, conflict resolution, negotiation, etc.


  • Personal growth: emotional education, reinforcement of self-esteem and self-confidence, decision-making, healthy relationships, stress, etc.
  • Specific times of difficulty: mourning, separation, etc.
  • Physical/psychological rehabilitation: Stroke, post-traumatic disorder, etc.


  • To strengthen the relation, communication and improve the dynamics between family members.


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